In this episode we are talking about acupuncture, the ancient Chinese medicine practice in which tiny needles are inserted into the skin to treat everything from pain to digestion to depression to fertility. Our guest Salena Hanrahan is a licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist here in California, and she is extremely patient with me as I try to really understand how acupuncture actually works.

Licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist Salena Hanrahan

Licensed acupuncturist and board certified herbalist Salena Hanrahan

Salena Hanrahan describes herself as an Irish-Polish girl from the Southside of Chicago. She has many fond memories of growing up in the Chicago suburbs, but her grandfather’s long struggle with Parkinson’s Disease cast a shadow over her childhood years. Later at the age of 19, she would lose her father suddenly to heart disease, and she believes her interest in helping people with health and wellness comes from making sense of the trauma caused by the death of loved ones. It wasn’t until Salena was in a major car accident in her 20s that she discovered for herself the power of healing available through acupuncture.

Salena Hanrahan is a nationally certified Diplomate in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbalism by the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and the California Acupuncture Board. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the esteemed Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM) in early 2011 with a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has currently completed to date 3,510 credit hours of clinical practice and theory toward her professional doctorate and looks forward to completing the remaining five classes to earn this merit.

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Salena is a Chicago native and first discovered the benefits of acupuncture during her former career as a personal trainer and coach. She was introduced to the effectiveness of Chinese Medicine through injured athletes and clients who were steadfastly rehabilitated by the integration of acupuncture therapy and herbal medicine along with their prescribed treatments per their physicians. She is passionate about introducing patients to the many benefits of Chinese Medicine and continues to be tenacious in her study and practice of eastern medicine and orthopedic motor point therapy (also referred to sometimes as ‘dry needling’ or ‘trigger point acupuncture’ by physical therapists and medical doctors.) 

In addition to orthopedic and pain management, Salena has provided many treatments in all areas of health and wellness ranging from depression and other psycho-emotional disorders to fertility support and women’s health. Salena steadfastly maintains that good health is the gateway to a harmonious life. In fact, there is a popular expression in Chinese Medicine that is at the heart of her treatment approach, ‘Where there is free flow, there is no pain. Where there is no free flow, there is pain.

Salena currently enjoys a thriving acupuncture and wellness practice in both Los Angeles and beautiful downtown Paso Robles, serving both Southern California and the Central Coast of California. She can be contacted with questions, or for more information about the benefits of Chinese Medicine, by visiting or .

At the end of the episode, Salena speaks about this book:

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

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